
Dentistry professionals usually graduate with high needs of postgraduate courses that will make them more competitive in a reality that requires a constant updating, especially in the use of new technologies and research in the area of dentistry. One of the areas of dentistry that has presented great technological changes in recent years is that of oral and maxillo-facial surgery. These surgical treatments are of high technical complexity, with an increasing demand in Latin America, and a high cognitive requirement of the biological components governing these therapeutic treatments.


This 350-hr Certificate, a component of UNICAL’s Master Program in Oral Surgery,  has the following objectives:

General Objective

Contribute to the formation of the general dentist in the prevention, diagnosis and surgical treatment of diseases, injuries and defects involving functional aspects of the hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity, under a humanistic and scientific approach, incorporating the basic tools provided by the latest technologies.

Specific Objectives

  • Design and implement the collection plan of research to solving data.
  • Learn the different types of quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data of the research for the resolution of problems
  • Identify the discipline of Anesthesiology, and its application in the field of oral surgery
  • Learn about all of the surgical techniques that enable dentistry professionals to achieve the realization of complex oral surgeries.
  • Learn about all the pathological aspects of head and neck in the human body, highlighting those that are in intimate relationship with the oral surgeon, evaluating commitment, success or failure of a surgical treatment in a pathological lesion.
  • Know the totality of all the principles that enable dentistry professionals to achieve a basic and specific oral surgery.
  • Establish a relationship with the various disciplines in the area of health, on the basis of integration for the formation of interdisciplinary teams, in the treatment of patients requiring oral surgery.
  • Handling the different techniques of oral implantology, taking into account the fundamental principles of the retained prosthesis
  • Allow the dentist to identify the clinical manifestations of patients with systemic diseases and consider them to carry out treatments in those patients requiring oral and maxillo-facial surgery.
  • Administer programs for the care of oral surgery, in the public health sector.
  • Submit a research project.

Program Contents

  • Design and implement the research data collection plan
  • Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the research data.
  • Methodology for the presentation of clinical cases
  • Anesthesiology
  • Pre-prosthetic surgery
  • Mouth and neck pathology
  • Internal Medicine I
  • Maxillofacial Traumatology
  • Relationship of oral surgery with selected areas of medicine.
  • Oral implantology.
  • Internal medicine II
  • Community Oral Surgery care.
  • Research Project presentation.
Aprecio de las disciplinas académicas
Universidad UNICAL