The program for the Bachelor of Policing spans four years and is dual. This means that learning takes place both within the work as within the course. Both school and the Police as Corps Act as learning processes. There is constant interaction between theory and practice.
The total training includes 240 EC (European Credits), broken down in four years each with 60 EC, spread over 4 periods of about 10 weeks each year. Each period has a average study load of 15 EC.
The training has the major-minor structure.
In that half year the student may broaden or deepen his/her competences through a FOREIGN STUDY PROGRAM (FSP), consisting of optional courses and training.
This choice for major â minor offers additional choices and flexibility. It gives the ability to adapt rapidly to current developments in the field. This range of minors (in the form of optional subjects), which specifically focuses on current international events, needs and trends, offers students the training occupations â in addition to a full major program â Â optimally preparing them for their future profession.
Education in the four core tasks takes place in four successive stages: Orientation, Functioning, Integrating and Profiling. The core tasks of police work, also called the foundations, are central: Emergency Aid â Law Enforcement â Detection â and Security Science. Apart from these four foundations, Security Science is included in each module of the training. During each module the curriculum is interpreted from these foundations. In the core task Safety Science students will find integration tasks rather than the three aforementioned key tasks.
Each phase is characterized by:
Phase 1: Orientation (quarter 1-4) | Focus is on the orientation on the job and the organization. The student finds out if he has chosen the right job. |
Phase 2: Functioning (quarter 5-10) | Focus is on the core tasks of the bachelor in policing and the personal functioning as a skilled person in that role. |
Phase 3: Integrating (quarter 11-12) | Focus is on addressing problems in which the student can take his role as a connecting skilled person |
Phase 4: Profiling (quarter 13-16) | Focus is on profiling in the role of connecting skilled person |
Phase 1: Orientation
To prepare the student for the main modules, the program starts with an orientation year in which basic knowledge and skills are offered in subject areas that are relevant to the training, so that the student has a broad base from which the stages in the main modules takes place. The orientation phase is also intended to be ample to orient students on the job and to select it.
Phase 2: Functioning
The Functioning phase focuses on the three core tasks of the police work: Emergency Aid, Enforcement and detection. The student learns to function independently and fully as an expert.
Phase 3: Integrating
In the integration phase, the focus is on the integration of the competencies in the fields of emergency aid, enforcement and detection. The integration takes place in the core task of Security Science.
Phase 4: Profiling
The profiling phase includes the units of study of the FOREIGN STUDY PROGRAM. These are required elective courses (minor), specialization and thesis. During the FOREIGN STUDY PROGRAM, a basis is established for the professional practice. Students are working on their specialization and their thesis as proof that after successfully completing their program graduates can work as a beginning practitioner on the Bachelor level. The specialization can widen or deepen their chosen major.
The phases of training connected to the core tasks gives the following schematic overview of the training;
Please CLICK on the image to enlarge it.
Note: the red marked points indicate the (hierarchical) leadership component of the training, where students in Q9-10, assume the supervision over the Group during the short internship in Q2.
UNICAL, through its School of Police has developed a Bachelor program in Policing to optimize the training opportunities of the Curaçao Police Force.