These shared values characterize our campus culture and guide University decision-making:

  1. Development of consciousness — Water the root to enjoy the fruit
    We use Maharishi’s techniques, including Transcendental Meditation, to develop the full potential of our consciousness and create peace in ourselves and the world. Group practice of these techniques is most powerful.
  2. Consciousness-Based education — Enjoy 200% of life: 100% of the outer, material value and 100% of the inner, spiritual value
    This is our specialty, our unique contribution to education. Consciousness-Based education develops students from within and promotes holistic growth.
  3. Engaged learning — Knowledge is gained from inside and outside
    Through Consciousness-Based education, consciousness — the home of all knowledge — is enlivened within every student. With this, whatever is studied outside resonates with the inner foundation of knowledge. As a result knowledge becomes more accessible and relevant. In addition, we engage students through active learning and rigorous academics, without the stress commonly experienced by university
    students. We encourage open inquiry by our students, faculty, and administration to culture receptivity and engagement in the process of gaining knowledge.
  4. Continuous improvement — The nature of life is to grow
    We are all committed to proactively improving ourselves and our University.
  5. Progressive communication — The art of speaking lies in truthful speech which is always uplifting, never harmful
    We value honest, respectful, and non-judgmental communication.
  6. Generosity of spirit — Giving is the basis of receiving
    We cultivate trust, kindness, and generosity to promote growth in ourselves and our community.
  7. Honoring diversity — The world is my family
    We honor cultural diversity as well as diverse backgrounds and viewpoints. We welcome everyone’s Contributions.
  8. Campus in harmony with natural law — Maximize the intelligent use the environment.
    We are committed to creating a campus in accord with Natural Law — a new model of sustainability.
  9. Health and happiness — The purpose of life is the expansion of happiness
    We value a campus culture that promotes balance, health, enjoyment, and a spirit of fun.
Universidad UNICAL